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How Small Businesses Can Grow With SEO?
Posted By Versatile
SEO 2018

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is the process of making changes to the site to improve its visibility on the search engines.

How SEO can help in gaining more traffic?

Quality Content:

A blog section on the website is highly recommended. Keep your blog updated with quality content. Regular blog postings utilizing your target keywords can boost your SEO. Make it worthy to read. In-depth content of around 1500 words or more has high potential to rank well.

Voice Search:

Trust us! You are surrounded by people who use their devices often to make voice searches to follow their daily routines. They ask questions & make local searches for their needs.

A website optimized for voice search can get you new customers.

Page Speed:

Slow page speed can negatively impact your website in search engines. Most users will leave the website or pages exceeding 3 seconds. Keep your website page speed optimized to load & display faster. You can do that by applying recommendations from various page speed testing tools. The highly recommended one is Google Page Speed Insights.

Follow EAT (Expertise | Authoritativeness | Trustworthiness)

While publishing any content or sharing recommendations, make sure your share the facts to support them. Differentiate yourself for better. Research is the key for a trustworthy content. You will not find any value in the content claiming things without facts. People have become smarter & so as Google.


People prefer to watch a video more than reading a blog post & this is growing. If you are not including video into your content strategy, you are losing out. Sharing, Viewing & Linking to your Video are taken as signals to amplify your search rankings.

Technical SEO:

You can also refer this as On Page SEO. You need to make sure that your website is following basic On Page SEO Parameters below:

  • Page Titles – This lets Google determines which content is relevant to which search. Make sure to use your business keywords here
  • Meta Descriptions – Use your business keywords & write this in a way to entice your users to click. A higher CTR can push your organic listings up in the search engines.
  • Header Tags – Always use header tags hierarchically. Use h1, then h2 & then h3. Don’t skip a level in the hierarchy.
  • Image Alts: Show the relevancy of the image to the main content by adding alt tags. This will also help people find you in Google Image Search.


Links are other important & major ranking signals that Google considers. An effective link building strategy for your website can boost your search engine rankings.

Google Business Listing:

Follow a thumb rule NAP (Name, Address & Phone). You should maintain a consistency while promoting your business on the internet. This can put you up for local searches.

If you are successful in implementing this, you can make SEO as your primary source of traffic.

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