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Best Programming Languages for Android App Development
Posted By Versatile
Mobile Application Development Company

Do you know how often you check your Smart Phone in a day? According to theĀ Journal of Accountancy, it is averaging 86 times a day. Mobile applications are an integral part of our daily lives. What plays an important role in providing you the overwhelming sensory experience is the programming language the applications are made in. In this article, we are going to cover the best programming languages that are used to create android applications (Android, because we like it).


Flutter is an open-source application framework created by Google. It is used to create applications for Android, IOS, Windows and more. Create an application with beautiful design, smoother and better experience. Flutter uses Dart object-oriented programming language which is the fastest-growing language.


Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language. It is considered to be the secondary official Java language in 2017. The difference between Kotlin and Java is that Kotlin removes the superfluous features of Java such as null pointer exceptions and the necessity of ending every line with a semicolon making it much easier to learn for beginners as compared to Java.


Java is the most used and official language for android app development. Highly supported language by Google, Java has a great online community to resolve any issues if arises.

Java is a complicated language for beginners as it contains complex topics like constructors, null pointer exceptions, concurrency, etc.

React Native:

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework. It is created by Facebook and used to create Android, IOS and Web Apps. You can easily create a native app using react for both Android and IOS. React components wrap existing native code and interact with native APIs and let native teams work much faster.


It is time to go and conquer android. Build your Business android application and grow your business.

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